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EAC offers speakers and training on a variety of topics including Sexual Health and Youth, Black HIV/AIDS Awareness, HIV Prevention, Faith and HIV, and more. Speakers represent a variety of peer voices sharing personal experience and practical HIV prevention information.
Speakers present current, age-appropriate information and will often share personal experiences as a tool to inspire.
Our speakers represent a diverse cross section of the community and are available to speak at many types of events, including:
For more information about a speaker, click the "VIEW BIO" button below.
For general inquiries or to book a speaker, contact us.
"People who look like me don't want to get tested and don't want to know if they have HIV, but never think for a minute that HIV is a black disease."
KeAndre' Arnold, Speaker
"Our students learned so much to take back to their spheres of influence!"
Victoria Goetzinger,
Graduate Community Director
Clemson University
Topics of Interest:
Family Opioid Response Training
"Healthy Sexual" Training
Black HIV/AIDS Awareness
Arkansas HIV Resources
Topics of Interest:
Faith & HIV
Sexual Health for Youth
HIV Prevention / PrEP
Arkansas HIV Resources
Topics of Interest:
Family Opioid Response Training
"Healthy Sexual" Training
"HIV 50+ Strong and & Healthy Policy & Advocacy Training
Topics of Interest:
STD Prevention
Improving Public Health Outcomes
Topics of Interest:
Living Positively With HIV
HIV Prevention / PrEP
Arkansas HIV Resources
Topics of Interest:
Social Media Strategy
Black HIV/AIDS Awareness
HIV Prevention in Minority Populations
EAC Speaks! Podcast
Hear from peers, community advocates, and key leaders engaged in work to end HIV in Arkansas.
The EPIC Blog
An EPIC blog for an EPIC organization! Posts explore the innovative ways we are combatting HIV stigma and connecting with Arkansas.
KeAndre' served as a volunteer member with St. Louis Effort for AIDS, Inc., from the Spring 2014-Summer 2017. During his time with EFA he continuously volunteered to actively lead peer-discussions, game nights, food distribution programs, and scheduling community members for testing and/or help assist with the correlation for linkage to care.
KeAndre' returned home to Texarkana during the summer of 2017. He joined Special Health Resources for Texas, Inc. or SHRT as a Medical Case Manager. He served with this agency from June 2017-June 2018. This agency serves East Texas which includes Tyler, Longview, Paris, and Texarkana, TX. KeAndre' acknowledged that this agency will forever hold a special place in his heart. During his time with SHRT he was recognized twice as the “Star of the Quarter.” This award is presented to members that have demonstrated and exemplify great skills when working with clients, within the community, and is believed to be a major asset to the organization.
KeAndre' is a capable speaker and leader. He presented a breakout session during the HIV Symposium in Galveston on the topic “New transmissions within the Black MSM community” and conducted an ADAP seminar during a retreat in Houston. He was also a coordinator for the Consumer Advisory Board [CAB] in the East Texas CAB. He facilitated quarterly meetings which allowed consumers to freely speak on the services provided, needs within each community, and it also served as a time to fellowship. During this time, KeAndre' conducted regular town hall meetings within the Texarkana area to better gauge the needs of the area and to better advocate for the community during allocation.
Later, KeAndre' demonstrated innovation as co-founder of the SWA-NET HIV Coalition. With Texarkana being a twin city (Texarkana, AR and Texarkana, TX), the coalition was needed to partner with peers across the state line. This partnership allowed for both sides to reach more into the communities and host joint events to share awareness, included a Simply Red conference with clients from the Texarkana area.
KeAndre' is fluent in Ryan White services from Texas and Arkansas. He was a Non-Medical Case Manager for ARcare between June 2018-September 2019. During his time with ARcare, KeAndre' led a strong movement to reach as many Arkansans as possible and demonstrated a gift for interacting with individuals who were tested. Thanks to KeAndre’s efforts, record numbers of community tests were made and people with HIV were engaged or re-engaged in care. As a result, KeAndre' was recognized for administering the most HIV tests statewide both onsite and offsite while with ARcare. Today, he continues to build a reputation as a trusted source for HIV prevention, education and linkage to care.
KeAndre' is a Certified Community Health Service Representative through Arkansas Total Care. There he served as a Care Coordinator with members experiencing Behavioral Health disabilities while pursuing an MBA in Healthcare Administration. KeAndre' is a member of the Arkansas HIV Planning Group (HPG).
"Family Opioid Response Training"
Harm Reduction / Narcan Training in Little Rock, Arkansas
"HIV Prevention and Sexual Health"
The Alpha Chi Chapter of Sophisticated Gentlemen Incorporated in Little Rock, Arkansas
“New HIV Transmissions Within the Black MSM Community”
Annual HIV Symposium in Galveston, Texas
For more information or to book a speaking engagement with KeAndre', choose the "Request More Info" button below.
Mr. Harris is a prominent educator, public speaker, and advocate within the greater HIV community. Over his 11+ years with the ARcare Positive Connections HIV Program, he developed and facilitated numerous community outreach, prevention and empowerment initiatives. He is particularly talented at creating HIV educational and awareness programs tailored to meet the needs of a given audience or community.
Mr. Harris's active involvement with state and national planning entities illustrate his steadfast commitment to the development of improved HIV prevention interventions in every community in Arkansas. His extensive track record of service is evident through roles with HIV Arkansas Support Network, United States Conference on AIDS (USCA), Campaign to End AIDS (C2EA), Arkansas HIV Task Force and Empowerment, Arkansas HIV Planning Group (HPG), Southwest Arkansas-Northeast Texas HIV Coalition (SWA-NET), the National Latino HIV Leadership Counsel, Arkansas Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE) Task Force, National Alliance of State & Territorial AIDS Directors (NASTAD), and National Coalition of STD Directors (NCSD).
Notable recognition includes serving as Co-Chair of the Arkansas HIV Planning Group (2021), Advisory Board Member for the Southern AIDS Coalition (SAC), and being named ARcare HIV Program Employee of the Year (2011). He was also named to Plus Magazine's Most Amazing HIV-Positive People (2016) and twice to POZ Magazine's POZ 100 List (2016 and 2018), a national recognition to celebrate people working to end the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the South. In 2021, Mr. Harris was invited to speak on the topic of Community Engagement's role in Ending the HIV Epidemic by the National Coalition of STD Directors (NCSD) and the National Alliance of State & Territorial AIDS Directors (NASTAD).
Mr. Harris holds multiple undergraduate degrees in Communications/Theology and a graduate degree in Theology. Prior to working in HIV, he served in multiple ministry leadership positions and various positions in sales and management.
"Improving Sexual Health Histories in Community Outreach"
National Coalition of STD Directors (NCSD) in Arkansas
"Community Engagement in Rural Arkansas"
Equity, Innovation, And Synergy: Building Connections to End the HIV Epidemic
National Alliance of State & Territorial AIDS Directors (NASTAD) in Arkansas
"Challenges and Innovations in Rural Sexual Health"
US Conference on HIV/AIDS hosted by National Minority AIDS Council (NMAC)
"Sex in the Delta"
Sexual Health Disparities Symposium
Arkansas State University, Jonesboro, Arkansas
"Community Outreach: Does One Size Fit All?"
Annual Symposium in Little Rock and Jonesboro
AIDS Education and Training Center (AETC)
ARcare Positive Connections
"Constructing Our Health Message to Fit the Audience"
Society for Public Health Education, Little Rock, Arkansas
"Mapping from Community to Care Using a Policy-Driven Approach"
Linkage to HIV Comprehensive Prevention Program
Gilead FOCUS National Summit, Foster City, CA
"Using Technology Innovations for Diagnosing Multiple Syndemics to Increase HIV Comprehensive Prevention Services”
Gilead FOCUS National Summit, Foster City, CA
"Using Technology Innovations to Increase Engagement in HIV Comprehensive Prevention Services”
National HIV Biomedical Prevention Summit, Seattle, WA
"Highlighting Successes of the Syndemic Approach on Eligibility and Referrals to HIV Comprehensive Prevention Services
SYNChronicity: The National Conference for HIV, HCV, STIs, Harm Reduction & LGBTQ Health
National Coalition for LGBTQ Health, Washington, D.C.
For more information or to book a speaking engagement with Mr. Harris, choose the "Request More Info" button below.
Bobby is EAC's Community Engagement Coordinator and Human Resources Manager. He is gifted in creatively connecting people to resources and is dedicated to making comprehensive healthcare and supportive services accessible to everyone who needs it. He is excited about the opportunity to engage Arkansas communities in HIV/STI prevention and education.
Bobby has a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from California State University, Northridge and has worked in Human Resources for over 20 years. He is a member of numerous health coalitions and advocacy groups, including the National HIV & Aging Advocacy Network and currently serves as the Chairman of the Board of Directors for Special Health Resources.
For more information or to book a speaking engagement with Mr. Pierce, choose the "Request More Info" button below.
Brandi began her career in public health 15 years ago as a disease intervention specialist with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention stationed at the Arkansas Department of Health. After discovering her passion in the field of community health, she continued her education at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. During graduate school, she landed a job at the Arkansas Children’s Hospital where she worked as a coordinator that provided telemedicine on asthma education for families living in rural communities. Following graduate school, she was able to make her way back to the state health department in which she led the STI prevention program efforts for 9 years. During her tenure, she made tremendous strides in improving congenital syphilis workflow processes and disease intervention efforts. Brandi is founder and lead consultant of Devanity Public Health Solutions which is a public health consulting firm dedicated to improving public health outcomes.
Brandi holds a Master of Public Health with a concentration of Health Education and Behavior from the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences and a Bachelor of Science in Health Education and Behavior from the University of Florida. Additionally, she has a graduate certificate in Nonprofit Management from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock.
Outside of work, Brandi is a master gardener and enjoys teaching others about growing their own fruits and vegetables. She is the “Pinterest” Queen and loves trying new recipes, crafts and DIYs and spending time with her family in Florida. Her greatest joy is being a mother to her daughter, Devani.
For more information or to book a speaking engagement with Brandi, choose the "Request More Info" button below.
For 15 years, Eddie Wiley has worked across the Southern United States to combat HIV stigma and health disparities particularly within communities of color. He is the founder of Maverick Consulting and has been active in HIV program implementation and social media expansion since 2006. As a presenter at local and national conferences, Eddie has been able to speak of his experiences as a person living with HIV in addition to an HIV service provider. Eddie began his career as a training facilitator. Since then, he has served in a host of roles.
Eddie has consulted in culture enhancement, program evaluation, staff retention, and many other topics across the country. Eddie's training centers around health literacy, stigma reduction, cultural humility, and trauma-informed approaches. In 2015, Eddie co-founded “The Headliners” that focuses on novel HIV prevention techniques in the Black LGBTQ community in the Memphis area by using the community’s input to host events and draft messaging. As an “In It Together” trainer, he has worked closely with agencies and community members to more meaningfully promote health literacy for Same-Gender Loving, Black men. As a consultant, he has also developed training curriculum, managed the social media channels, and facilitated the HIV/AIDS Bureau’s Community of Practice.
Eddie has worked within linkage to care, youth engagement, program management, social media management and served as the Shelby County Ending HIV Epidemic Initiative Coordinator for the Tennessee Department of Health and as Co-Chair for the Shelby County Ryan White’s HIV Care and Prevention Planning Group. Currently, Eddie co-hosts a personal podcast tailored to same-gender loving, black men entitled “The Southern Gentleman”.
He has been featured in POZ Magazine, Ebony Magazine, the Tri-State Defender and the Memphis Flyer. Mr. Wiley has been honored by the Red Door Foundation, Philander Smith College, Tri-State Black Pride, and the Tennessee Department of Health. Eddie received his Masters of Public Health in Social and Behavioral Sciences from the University of Memphis and a B.A. in English and Communications from Philander Smith College.
For more information or to book a speaking engagement with Eddie, choose the "Request More Info" button below.
Jeff has been diagnosed with HIV since 2011 and made the decision soon after to be out regarding his status as a way to bring a positive message to others about what it means to live with HIV in a world where HIV stigma often still prevails. He is grateful to Danny Harris, a prominent HIV advocate in the state of Arkansas, for his mentorship and support over the years. With his guidance, Jeff assisted in building thriving HIV support groups, planned/facilitated World AIDS Day events, and assisted in building partnerships with community organizations/medical providers to meet unmet needs for people living with HIV in Northwest Arkansas and the River Valley/Fort Smith region.
Jeff’s career in HIV services began with the ARcare Positive Connections HIV Program as a non-medical case manager in Northwest Arkansas, then as a district supervisor for the second largest Ryan White service district in Arkansas, and then as a Program Coordinator and Outreach Director. In this role, he worked predominantly in the areas of early intervention, outreach, and HIV prevention through ARcare’s Ryan White Part C and D grant programs and an HIV prevention grant program administered through the Arkansas Department of Health.
In 2019, Jeff received recognition as a "Distinguished Community Connector" for his work in helping build ARcare’s Positive Empowerment Program (a support program for people living with HIV) in the Fort Smith community. That same year, Jeff presented a training session for case managers on "Creative Community Outreach" that was well-received by his peers. He has also participated on panel discussions representing the interests of people with HIV and the LGBTQ community. Jeff’s history of service includes various roles with Arkansas HIV Planning Group, Engaging Arkansas Communities, Center on the Square Community Theater (Searcy, AR), 7hills Homeless Center (Fayetteville, AR), NWA Men’s Chorus (Fayetteville, AR), Men’s Chorus of the Ozarks (Springfield, MO), Springfield Regional Arts Council (Springfield, MO), and The GLO Center (LGBTQ Community Center in Springfield, MO).
Jeff earned his undergraduate degree from Missouri State University and his MBA from Webster University. Jeff is also a Certified Grant Professional and a member of the Grant Professionals Association in both Arkansas and Missouri. Before working in HIV, Jeff served as a member of the administrative team for a homeless service agency in Northwest Arkansas. Prior to this, he enjoyed a successful career in design for nearly 10 years. His two areas of focus remain HIV and diversity in the arts. In 2011 and 2017, Jeff helped found and operate arts-based, non-profit organizations in Springfield, Missouri and Fayetteville, Arkansas.
"HIV 101: Awareness and Prevention"
Clemson University Graduate Community in Clemson, South Carolina
"Finding My Voice: My Journey Living With HIV"
Dakotas Equality Summit in Souix Falls, South Dakota
"Taking Pride in Your Health: HIV Prevention 101"
LGBTQ+ Pride Month, USCIS National Benefits Center in Kansas City, Missouri
For more information or to book a speaking engagement with Jeff, choose the "Request More Info" button below.
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Engaging Arkansas Communities
PO Box 22002, Little Rock, AR 72221
Website by jm+D